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Dry Skin


With dry skin of the feet, the diagnosis and treatment of different forms of dry skin can be more complex than it appears. There is dry skin concomitant with common diseases. There are many types of dry skin conditions that can cause dry skin on the feet: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, stasis eczema, eczema, xerosis, psoriasis or stucco keratosis to name a few. However, these skin problems have associated symptoms like tightness, tingling, itchiness, burning, scaling, flaking and lichenification.


When you cannot concentrate on your work because you are scratching, when your sleep is interrupted because of burning, when you have noticeable dry skin patches on your legs, then dry skin is a problem. The skin can be a “mirror” of what is going on in the body. The lower legs and heel are notoriously problematic with dry skin symptoms. However, just because we do not treat the hands and forearms, we still need to evaluate those areas so we get the big picture. The feet do not exist in a vacuum.    


The skin acts as a barrier and protects underlying tissues from infection, desiccation, chemicals and mechanical stress. Disruption of these functions results in increased transepidermal water loss and deceases in the stratum corneum’s water content, and is associated with conditions like atopic dermatitis, eczema, xerosis, contact dermatitis and other chronic skin diseases. Moisturizers can improve these conditions through restoration of the integrity of the stratum corneum, acting as a barrier to water loss and replacement of skin lipids and other compounds.


For more advice on how to care for dry skin on your feet, we suggest you consult with a Philadelphia foot doctor for professional care and a recommended treatment plan for any existing conditions.

Philly City Foot Doc - Podiatrist in Philadelphia

Kimberly Nguyen DPM PC

1311 South Street

Philadelphia, PA 19147

phone: (215) 471-0433

2nd phone: ‪(215) 645-7024‬

fax: (215) 471-0430

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Philly City Foot Doc - Bala Cynwyd Location

29 Bala Ave

Suite 114

Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

© 2022 by Philly City Foot Doc


The information on this site is provided for your assistance only; this site does not provide podiatric advice. You should never diagnose or treat yourself for a podiatric condition based on the information provided herein, and the information is not provided for that purpose. Likewise, you should never determine that treatment is unnecessary based on this information. The information contained herein is not a substitute for podiatric care provided by a licensed podiatric professional. The information provided herein is not podiatric, medical or professional advice. This site does not create a doctor-patient relationship. If you are feeling ill, please call your primary care physician, or other healthcare provider. In the case of an emergency, please go to the nearest hospital.

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